Hajj News

MOH: Mina Al-Jisr Hospital Fully Ready to Serve Pilgrims
05 July 2022

​​​​The Ministry of Health (MOH) has enhanced Mina Al-Jisr Hospital in the holy sites with a number of important services to serve patients among pilgrims during the 1443H-Hajj season; in terms of allocation of 26 ICU beds and a number of negative air pressure isolation rooms. This comes in continuation of MOH’s efforts to gear up its health facilities in the holy sites. 

It is noted that the hospital, with a 150-bed capacity for ICU, dialysis services, and CPR cases, provides its health services through 11 general outpatient clinics in all medical specialties, in addition to the possibility to summon physicians in some specialties, such as: pediatrics and obstetrics and gynecology (when necessary). The hospital features two operating rooms, a delivery room, an endoscopy unit that has been equipped with all required devices and machines, an inpatient department for general surgery, an orthopedic department, an inpatient department for cases of general internal medicine, respiratory diseases, kidney diseases, and gastrointestinal diseases, in addition to an inpatient department for ICU and cardiac cases.

The hospital has an emergency department, with a 39-bed capacity, including 6 beds for CPR cases, 17 for heat exhaustion cases in examination area, 4 for respiratory disease cases, and 12 beds for cases in heat stroke area.

It is worth mentioning that the number of employees assigned to work in the hospital amounts more than 450 employees, including administrative, technical and medical cadres, working to serve pilgrims around the clock.



Last Update : 06 July 2022 12:02 PM
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