2016 Blog

18 July 2016
The breast milk contains antibodies that protect the babies against infection, and breastfeeding your baby is essential for his growth, as researches proved that breastfed babies have better mental growth. On the other hand, the children, who are fed infant formula, have high probability of having skin allergy (eczema), diarrhea, gastroenteritis that may be very dangerous, as well as the inflammation of ear, chest and urine. Breastfeeding also benefits mother, as it can help you lose pregnancy weight and protect you against breast and ovarian cancer, and strengthen your bones.
Colostrum, the first milk produced in the breast, is very good for your child's health. Over the next few days, your breast will look full and it will produce more milk. The milk supply depends on the amount of milk obtained by the baby and frequencies of feeding. The more the amount of milk the baby feeds, the more the milk produces in the breast. Nurses will help you and your child to learn how to breastfeed.
Please be patient and calm and give yourself enough time to learn. The newborn may sleeps more in the first few days. Be aware that the newborn has a tiny stomach; therefore, he should be breastfed several times. You may feel more thirsty and sleepy and have some uterine contractions during the breastfeeding process in the first few days. Avoid feeding the baby from a bottle; either breast milk or formula. Noteworthy that feeding the baby from the bottle requires a different method. Bottle feeding may conflict with the breastfeeding, which makes the child refuses to breastfeed. If you want, you can try to feed the breast milk to the baby in a cup. For any reason, if the child is unable to breastfeed, you can squeeze the milk from the breast and feed it to the baby in a cup, or you can store it in a closed container in the refrigerator for later use.
Signs your baby is in need for breastfeeding:
Your baby will make little signals known as early feeding cues which include the followings:
  • Tightened Fists.
  • Putting hands in the mouth.
  • Licking lips.
  • Moving arms and legs.
  • Turning head toward anything that touches his cheek or mouth.    
  • Making sounds.
  • Screaming / crying.
How is your baby during breastfeeding?
Try to start feeding the baby before he becomes over annoyed. Monitor signs that your child grabs the breast properly and obtains milk, these signs may include:
  • Quick and easy movement of the cheek while the baby holds the breast for the first time which turns to a deep, slow and regular movement.
  • Moving the face near the child's ear and cheek while the child's bottom jaw moves up and down.
  • Can see, hear or feel that the child is swallowing.
  • Tingling sensations in the breast.
Is my baby getting enough milk?
If the child gets enough amount of milk, the breast will be full of milk and soft after breastfeeding, and will be re-filled with milk between feeds. The child will do the followings:
  • Urinating six or more times in 24 hours.
  • Sleeping between feeds.
  • Wetting nappies more than twice a day.
  • Gaining weight.
The full grown healthy child, who sucks well, does not need additional water, or any other liquids or formula. Avoid giving the child additional water or formula, unless the treating doctor asked you to do so.
How often should I feed my baby?
The feeding time is determined from the start of a feeding session until the start of the next one. At first, try to feed the baby according to his desire, he may ask for milk every two or three hours during the day and evening hours, and at least four times during the night. Feed your baby if he shows the signs that he needs to be fed. The child may need several feedings that are very close to each other. By the end of the first week, the baby will suck up to 12 times in 24 hours. As the child grows and the milk secretion increases, the baby may suck less.
Even after the babies are able to sleep longer, they may have sleep disorder because of dreams, hunger or eventful day. Expect that the child wakes up at night and may need breastfeeding. The babies grow faster during the first six weeks and feed numerous times. As a result the body will secrete more milk to overcome the growth speed which usually lasts for 3 - 5 days.
How long should each feeding takes?
Make sure to feed your baby until he shows signs of fullness; such as slowing down in sucking, spitting out the breast and loosening the hands, arms and legs. If you stop feeding before he is full, he may not get the milk that contains fats in order to feel full at the end of breast feeding, and this milk is the best for growth.
Let the child finish feeding completely from the first breast; this may take 10 to 25 minutes before giving him the other breast. The baby may suck for some time from the first breast or may not be interested in the second breast at all. Make sure to switch the breast you begin with each time. Some mothers identify the breast they should start with, by placing a mark on the bra.
Last Update : 16 October 2016 09:08 AM
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