2014 Blog

Awareness Messages on Eye Diseases
Tips for Glaucoma Patients to Avoid Developing Glaucoma:
  • You should examine the eye periodically for detecting if there should be any diseases; and for maintaining the grace of vision.
  • In the event you should show any of glaucoma symptoms such as visual field loss, or blurry vision, or seeing colored halo around the lights, or big cornea size, or cornea color change in children in cases of congenital glaucoma, you have to swiftly see the eye doctor to early diagnose and treat it.
  • In case of developing glaucoma, it is recommended not getting married to any of your immediate relatives; so as not to increase the likelihood of your children inheriting the disease.
  • It is advisable to take the medicines regularly and continuously according to the instructions of the eye doctor, since the negligence of taking them leads to raising the eye pressure again, and damaging more of the tissues of the optic nerve.
  • You should not neglect taking the medicines even if the vision condition has not improved, for the medicine principal goal is to keep the eye pressure at a certain level, and in turn to maintain the vision and not to improve its level.
  • It is advised seeing the eye doctor in the event that any side effects resulting from taking the medicine should appear, or the vision ability should recede.
  • It is advised imparting any other doctor, apart from the eye doctor, with the medicines the patient takes, and any other diseases they suffer from, namely the heart and lung ones.
  • Once the medicines taken have finished before the time of seeing the doctor kicks in, it is recommended not waiting up to the next visit; rather, you should see the doctor immediately or you should go immediately to the emergency section of any hospital.
Cataract occurs when the lens inside the eye, ordinarily transparent, cloud. This is most commonly due to aging, some disease, or injury in the eye. It is principal cause of blindness in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  • Reduction of vision or noticing a blur in the eye.
  • Seeing glare around the bright lights during the night.
  • Frequent need for changing the eye glasses.
In most cases, treating the cataract requires a simple procedure meant for replacing the clouded lens by artificial ones.
Glaucoma is the raising of the eye pressure, and it is placed second in terms of blindness causes in the Kingdom.
  • Those over 40 should examine their eyes annually, or those with glaucoma-related medical family history. This aims at helping early detect the disease and avoid vision loss Allah forbids, because of it.
  • It is not recommended using any drops without consulting the eye doctor since some drops contain cortisone that leads to the raising of the eye pressure, and partial or permanent vision loss.
It is advised seeing the eye doctor when noticing:
  1. Any sudden change in vision.
  2. Noticing colored haloes around the lights.
  3. Redness associated with pain in the eye.
Idle Eyes:
The idleness of the eye occurs when the vision acuity varies between the two eyes, and either eye becomes weaker or idler than the other. Still, the eye idleness in children happens in the following cases:
  • Difference of the vision length or shortness between the two eyes.
  • Squint cases.
  • In case of a physical cause such as injury in the cornea or cataract in either eye.
Treatment is conducted by covering the sound eye with the aim of activating the idle eye, and in turn, improving its vision level. 
Diabetic Retinopathy:
It is a change in the retina. It occurs the more the diabetes goes, and when the diabetic does not keep the diabetes level. As such, the diabetic is advised seeing the eye doctor periodically and annually for examining the retina, and maintaining the diabetes level through following the doctor’s instructions.
Contact Lens:
To maintain the health of your eyes, you should visit the optician for taking the correct measurements for the medical or colored contact lens. Also, you should apply the use and care instructions; in order to avoid   eye ulcer that may cause blindness, Allah forbid!
Therefore, it is recommended to:

  • Avoid getting the contact lens from unlicensed, such as perfume shops or beauty salon.
  • Use the solutions of the contact lens for cleaning them, and not to use the water tap or the saliva to moisturize them.
  • Avoid sleeping with the contact lens on, whatever their type is, as putting them on while asleep raises the likelihood of developing inflammations to five times.
  • Avoid swimming with the contact lens on.Avoid putting the contact lens on in the atmosphere laden with dust. 
Last Update : 25 March 2015 02:09 PM
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