2014 Blog

Mother's milk (alternatively referred to as: breast milk) is the first natural food taken by the infant, since it provides all the infant's needs for energy and nutrients during the first months of its life, and the milk continues to meet half or more of the child's nutritional need during the second part of its first year of age, and about third of such needs during the second year.
Benefits of Breast Milk for the Child:
  • Colostrum is a yellow secretion that firstly comes out of the mother's breast after delivery and before formation of the milk. It is rich in antibodies critical to the newborn's immune system, thereby enabling it to resist viruses and bacteria.
  • The mother's milk is considered the ideal nutrition for the baby, because it contains an ideal composition of vitamins, proteins and fat, meeting the needs of a growing child.
  • It protects the child against diseases and infections such as ear infections, respiratory diseases, diarrhea and vomiting, since it contains antibodies, which are crucial for infection control.
  • It protects the child against allergy.
  • The mother's milk contains essential fatty acids that promote development of the child's brain and mental abilities.
  • The milk temperature is suitable for the child.
Breastfeeding Benefits for Mother:
  • Breastfeeding contributes to the promotion of mothers' health because it helps the protection against the risk of ovarian and breast cancer.
  • Oxytocin hormone, which is secreted in large amounts during breastfeeding, contributes to accelerating the healing process after delivery.
  • Breastfeeding helps the birth control by means of birth spacing as a result of the increasing level of prolactin hormone.
  • Breastfeeding leads to consumption of higher calories, which causes a reduction in the mother's weight gained during pregnancy.
  • Breastfeeding has psychological and emotional benefits; it is the period of direct interaction between the mother and child
  • Breastfeeding is cost-effective.
Mother's preparation for breastfeeding:
  • Washing hands, breast and nipple.
  • Sitting in a comfortable position to start feeding, leaning her back or lying on bed.
  • The bra, preferably a cotton-made one customized for breastfeeding, should be of a proper size, holding the breasts comfortably.
  • The milk is formed in the breast, and its quantity increases with the infant's suckling. In other words, the more the suckling, the more the milk flow in the breast.
  • Frequent breastfeeding.
  • Emptying the first breast before moving to the other, if the baby is not satisfied.
  • Making sure the baby is getting at least 8 feeds during 24 hours (the baby may take 10-12 feeds a day).
Right positions of breastfeeding:
Signs of good breastfeeding:
  • The child's healthy growth, when its weight is compatible with its height and age.
  • You can hear your baby swallowing.
  • His stool is wet and yellow in color by the end of the first week, and is repeated 3-5 times or more a day during the first weeks. 
Breastfeeding problems:
 Cause​ Solution​
Sore nipple​  The common cause of the sore nipple is the incorrect position of feeding, or the improper latching by the baby.​ Asking for advice from experts regarding the right positions of feeding and also using of moisturizers.  ​
Breast congestion​​ The feeling of full breast is suffered by majority of women 30-70 hours after delivery.​ You must empty your breast by feeding your baby constantly. 
    The milk block one of the milk ducts causing swelling, pain and a rise in temperature. ​
See your doctor and use proper treatment.​
The fungi transfers from the baby's mouth to the breast nipple.​ See your doctor and use proper treatment. ​
Breastfeeding obstacles:
  • Children with Galactose in blood (Galactozimea).
  • The mother infected with the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV).
  • The mother infected with active Tuberculosis.
  • Using radiotherapy or chemotherapy for cancer cases.
  • Medicines that penetrate the mother's milk, which necessitate consulting the doctor before using them.
Last Update : 22 June 2014 02:01 PM
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